What’s my whiplash claim worth?

How much compensation will I get for my whiplash symptoms?

Although no two injuries are the same, the Judicial College has set out guidelines for the assessment of damages for whiplash injury symptoms relating to neck pain, stiff neck, shoulder pain, lower back pain, headaches, concussion and tinnitus as follows:-

Neck Pain

Minor whiplash injury symptoms for neck pain

Minor soft tissue damage, neck pain, stiff neck etc., where whiplash symptoms last anywhere between a few weeks and a year – £875 to £3,520

Minor soft tissue damage, neck pain, stiff neck etc., where whiplash symptoms resolve within 2 years – £3,520 to £6,380

Moderate whiplash injury symptoms for neck pain

More serious soft tissue damage, neck pain, stiff neck etc., where whiplash symptoms resolve within 5 years – £6,380 to £11,110

Severe Whiplash injury symptoms for neck pain

Serious soft tissue damage, neck pain, stiff neck etc., where whiplash symptoms will take over 5 years to resolve and are likely to be permanent with increased vulnerability to complications in the future. Serious limitation of movement, stiffness or discomfort is typical in severe cases of whiplash symptoms – £11,110 to £20,185

The most severe neck injuries – in the region of £119,900

Back Pain

Minor whiplash injury symptoms for lower back pain

Minor soft tissue damage, back and lower back pain etc., where whiplash symptoms last anywhere between a few weeks and two years – £875 to £6,380

Minor soft tissue damage, back and lower back pain etc., where whiplash symptoms last anywhere between a few weeks and five years – £6,380 to £10,120

Moderate whiplash injury symptoms for lower back pain

More serious soft tissue damage, back and lower back pain etc., where whiplash symptoms last more than five years – £10,120 to £22,240

Severe Whiplash injury symptoms for lower back pain

Serious soft tissue damage, back and lower back pain etc., where whiplash symptoms will take over 5 years to resolve and are likely to be permanent with increased vulnerability to complications in the future. Serious limitation of movement, stiffness or discomfort is typical in severe cases of whiplash symptoms – £22,240 to £31,350

The most severe back injuries – £73,700 to £130,130

Shoulder Pain

Minor whiplash injury symptoms for shoulder pain

Minor soft tissue damage and shoulder pain etc., where whiplash symptoms last up to two years – £875 to £6,380

Moderate whiplash injury symptoms for shoulder pain

More serious soft tissue damage and shoulder pain etc., where whiplash symptoms last up to two years or longer but not permanent – £6,380 to £10,340

Severe Whiplash injury symptoms for shoulder pain

Serious soft tissue damage and shoulder pain etc., where whiplash symptoms are likely to be intrusive and permanent. Serious limitation of movement, stiffness or discomfort is typical in severe cases of whiplash symptoms – £10,340 to £15,510

The most severe shoulder injuries – £15,510 to £38,830

Psychological Injury Less severe to moderate psychological injury –£1,238 to £15,400


Slight or occasional tinnitus (noises e.g. ringing or buzzing in head or ears) – up to £10,175


Minor headaches – £875 to £1,788

Specialist Whiplash Injury Claims Lawyer

It is important that you have an experienced whiplash symptoms solicitor handling your claim otherwise you are likely to get less than you are entitled to. To ensure you receive full compensation for your car accident whiplash injury claim in Louth or Grimsby, Lincolnshire get in touch with me by calling 01507 609027 or online for a free, no-obligation consultation about your case. All cases are pursued on a no win no fee basis, with no hidden charges.