Work related Asthma Claims
If you have been diagnosed with work related asthma, also commonly referred to as occupational asthma, then you may be able to claim financial compensation.
The industrial disease team at Nigel Askew Solicitors have many years experience in successfully winning work related asthma compensation claims for clients in Lincolnshire and beyond. Our team of industrial disease solicitors have considerable expertise in representing clients diagnosed with work related asthma and are available to speak to you today regarding your condition.
Contact us today by calling 01507 609027 or complete the online enquiry form to the right of this page and one of our expert solicitors will call you to discuss your farmers lung compensation enquiry.
What is Occupational Asthma?
Work related asthma, or occupational asthma, is a common lung condition that can cause breathing difficulties.
Work related asthma is typically defined as asthma that is caused directly by workplace exposures to harmful airborne substances and not by factors outside of the workplace.
Work related asthma can also be categorised as ‘work aggravated asthma’, which refers to pre-existing asthma conditions that are exasperated by exposures within the workplace.
So, how is work related Asthma triggered?
Work related asthma is a work related condition caused by inhaling harmful airborne substances, flour or wood dust for example, known as Asthmagens.
These substances can cause a change in people’s airways, known as the ‘hypersensitive state’.
Not everyone who becomes sensitised goes on to get asthma. It can take time for your immune system to become sensitive to an allergen, so you may have been able to do your work for weeks, months or even years before you start having asthma symptoms. Once the lungs become sensitive to an allergen, further exposure to the substance, even at quite low levels, may trigger an attack.
Who is at risk of developing work related Asthma?
There are many industries in which claims for work related asthma are common, which include:
- Farming & Agriculture
- Bakery
- Engineering
- Welding
- Carpentry
- Paint spraying
- Soldering
- Working with animals
- Hairdressing
If you work in an industry and have developed work related asthma that is not listed above, please contact us as you may still be able to claim.
Symptoms associated with work related Asthma
Symptoms include wheezing, coughing and the feeling of a tight chest, which can develop immediately after exposure but more commonly several hours later, possibly at night.
Common investigations for occupational asthma can include blood tests, spirometry (a lung function test), Serial Peak Flow measures and other tests.
If you have any of the symptoms listed above and are yet to be diagnosed with work related asthma, we recommend you see your local GP immediately who can refer you to hospital for medical investigations.
Employer’s responsibility
Under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations, all employers owe their employees a duty of case to ensure their reasonable safety in the workplace. This extends to monitoring the exposure of employees to hazardous substances, keeping their employees under health surveillance against the development of identifiable diseases and to provide their employees with information, instruction and training so that they know the potential risks to their health and what precautions must be taken.
With any work related asthma compensation claim, it is necessary to prove that the employer acted negligently in not carrying our necessary risk assessments, providing training or sufficient personal protective equipment (PPE).
No Win No Fee Work related Asthma compensation
We fund all of our work related asthma claims using Conditional Fee Agreements. These agreements also commonly referred to as a “CFA” or a “No Win, No Fee Agreements”.
For more information about No Win No Fee agreements, please contact us.
Contact Nigel Askew Solicitors Today
The expert industrial disease solicitors at Nigel Askew Solicitors are on hand today to advise you on your potential work related asthma compensation claim.
We offer all new clients a free and no obligation initial phone consultation during which we will discuss the merits of your potential claim. Call us today on 01507 609027 or complete an online enquiry form and we will contact you at your convenience to discuss your enquiry in detail.
- 100% No Win No Fee Claims
- Free Initial Legal Advice
- Over 20 Year’s Experience
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