Farm Accident Solicitors
If you or a loved one has been injured in an accident on a farm, you may be entitled to make a claim for compensation.
The solicitors at Nigel Askew are experts in acting on behalf of victims injured in farming accidents. We have represented many clients who have been injured in accidents on farms in Lincolnshire.
Have you been injured at work on a farm?
Farms are places of work just like any other but unfortunately have historically had a very poor health and safety record. In fact, agriculture has one of the worst fatal accident and occupational ill health records of any major employment sector. The industry accounts for only 1.7% of the workforce in the UK but accounts for 16% of the fatal injuries to workers.
Figures have been published by the HSE that show almost 50 people a year are killed in accidents on farms and in the agriculture industry.
Common causes of farm and agriculture accidents
Due to the nature of the work, farm accidents are common. We represent several clients who have been injured in accidents on farms in Lincolnshire.
Some of the most common causes of accidents are listed below:
- Accidents involving farm vehicles
- Accidents involving farm machinery
- Falls from height on a farm
- Injuries caused by falling objects
- Injuries and illnesses caused by chemicals and hazardous substances including dermatitis
- Accidents involving silos, slurry stores or pits
- Vibration white finger due to working with vibratory machinery
- Industrial deafness from working with loud machinery and in buildings with livestock
- Respiratory conditions such as Farmers Lung
- Injuries caused by dangerous livestock
If you have been injured in an accident on a farm which is not listed above, please contact us to see if you are able to make a claim for your injuries. Our solicitors are experts in farm accident claims.
Is your employer to blame?
If you have suffered an injury at work on a farm, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries. If your employer was at fault for the injury, you are eligible to make a claim against them. For example, if you have not been given proper training by your employer in using a particular piece of farm machinery or they have asked you to work in unsafe conditions then it may be deemed that your employer is at fault.
If you have not been provided with the relevant personal protective equipment (PPE) to work in a farm environment, or a regular risk assessment and maintenance of the agricultural machinery has not been undertaken, you may also be entitled to make a claim if an injury has been caused as a result.
Contact Nigel Askew Solicitors today
If you, a member of your family, a friend or a colleague have been injured in an accident on a farm, you may be entitled to make a claim for compensation.
In order to determine whether you have a claim, and to arrange a no obligation consultation, call Nigel Askew Solicitors today on 01507 609027 or complete the website enquiry form. We operate on a no-win, no-fee basis, with no hidden costs. If you feel you have a claim, get in touch today.
- 100% No Win No Fee Claims
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- Over 20 Year’s Experience
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