Warehouse Accident Claims Lincolnshire
If you work in a warehouse, you will know exactly how dangerous they can be. With a wide variety of operations taking place, heavy machinery and fellow staff carrying out several different roles at the same time, warehouses can be busy and hazardous environments where accidents are common.
Welcome to Nigel Askew Solicitors, we are a firm of expert personal injury solicitors and represent clients across Lincolnshire and the Midlands who have been injured at work, in warehouse accidents.
To discuss a new potential warehouse accident claim, contact our Lincolnshire based solicitors on 01507 609027 or submit an online enquiry using the form on the right of this page and one of our expert work accident claims team will contact you at your convenience.
How common are Warehouse Accident Claims?
In November 2020, the UK Government released figures which show that 111 workers were fatally injured at work during 2019/20. Over 25% of these fatalities were in the manufacturing and storage sectors, which means warehouse and factory accidents are only behind construction sector as the most dangerous in the UK. Read the report here.
In addition to these fatal accidents at work, 693,000 workers sustained non-fatal injuries with 168,000 requiring more than 7 days off work to recover, according to self-reports from the Labour Force Survey in 2019/20.
Types of Warehouse Accident Claims
The most common non-fatal work related accident reported under RIDDOR in 2019/20 were slip and trip related, with lifting, handling and carrying injuries close behind.
If you have been injured in a non-fault accident at work then you may be entitled to make a claim against your employer for compensation. If you are unable to work as a result, it is vital that you instruct proactive solicitors who can help you get the compensation that you deserve.
Our personal injury solicitors have helped countless clients win compensation for injuries sustained whilst working in a warehouse.
Over the years, we have advised clients on a wide range of accidents including:
- Handling, lifting or carrying heavy objects in factories and warehouses
- Being struck by moving objects, including FLTs and other vehicles and machinery
- Slipping and tripping accidents
- Accidents involving faulty equipment
- Falls from height
- Accidents involving crushing injuries
If you have been injured in a warehouse accident in Lincolnshire, contact us to claim compensation for your injuries.
Am I able to claim compensation for a warehouse accident?
You may be entitled to claim compensation if you have been injured as a result of health and safety procedures not being followed correctly or if your warehouse accident made an existing injury or condition worse that your employer was previously aware of.
Your employer has a legal duty to ensure you are safe at work and have a responsibility to:
- Make sure you are properly trained in how to do your job, which means providing you with sufficient training in the machinery you use, manual handling and Health & Safety
- Provide you with suitable personal protective equipment (PPE)
- Undertake risk assessments before you carry out tasks
- Manage business activities to minimise risks to your health and safety
- Provide safe working systems
If you have been injured in a warehouse accident in Lincolnshire, contact us to claim compensation for your injuries.
How long do I have to make my warehouse accident claim?
Claims for personal injury have a 3 year period from the date of the accident in which they can be made.
We suggest if you have been injured in a warehouse accident and would like to make a claim for compensation to contact the expert solicitors at Nigel Askew Solicitors today. Every work related accident claim is different and has its own set of circumstances so we always recommend you seek legal advice as soon as possible, to avoid your claim falling outside this deadline.
How much compensation can I expect for my accident at work claim?
Every warehouse accident claim is different and the amount of compensation that you can expect to receive depends on a number of factors, including the severity of your injuries, your rate of recovery, whether you have been unable to work and lost earnings as a result of the accident and the cost of any long term medical treatment which may be required.
For a more detailed view on your individual claim, contact Nigel Askew Solicitors today for a free consultation.
Why Choose Nigel Askew Solicitors to help with your claim?
Our personal injury solicitors are committed to achieving the best possible results for our clients.
In all cases and especially where serious work related injuries are involved, we pride ourselves on going the “extra mile”, often attending our clients at their homes to take statements and provide updates throughout the entire claim process. Our personal service often enables us to put together a stronger case for our clients, something which is simply not offered by larger law firms based miles away.
Your claim will be dealt with by a senior solicitor from start to finish, with over 20 years of legal experience, unlike at many other firms where your claim might be dealt with by a trainee solicitor or an unqualified litigation executive.
- We specialise in work accident claims
- We have over 20 years of experience in winning compensation for our clients
- We fund all personal injury claims using No Win No Fee agreements
- Our offices are based in the heart of Louth, meaning we are accessible to clients across Lincolnshire and the surrounding counties
- We offer home visits to all our clients throughout the claims process
- We will work as hard as we can on your behalf to achieve justice
- We work with the best medical professionals and leading barristers in the country
Contact us today to discuss a Lincolnshire warehouse accident claim by calling 01507 609027.
Why Choose Nigel Askew Solicitors to help with your claim?
If you have been seriously injured in an accident at work in a warehouse, we can offer you expert legal advice and guidance to make a successful claim for compensation. We have helped people in your exact position before and are on hand now to speak to you.
Contact our specialist warehouse accident claim solicitors today by calling 01507 609027 or submit an online enquiry using the form on the right of this page.
- 100% No Win No Fee Claims
- Free Initial Legal Advice
- Over 20 Year’s Experience
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